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Antelope Valley Union High School District Antelope Valley, California, USA

Ground-Mount System Using Trina Solar's TSM-PA05 Multicrystalline Modules

  • Long-term reliability 
  • Best $/kWh 

9.6 MW 40,000 System Panels used

Roof and ground-mounted System


"I visited your facilities in China, along with my associates, and met with your quality control manager, as well as other top executives of your company. The quality of engineering and manufacturing was exceptional.”

- Paul Mikos, Senior Vice President of PsomasFMG

Antelope Valley School District, like most in California, is facing major budget issues and is being forced to cut back programs, layoff teachers and close schools. The Antelope Valley has been particularly hit hard by the housing crisis and in great need of jobs.

The executive team and school board of the district were thoughtful, and made quick, informed decisions to build, what is currently the largest school solar project under construction in the nation. The district’s deputy superintendent championed the project and made sure that there was no disruption to regular school activities during installation at the multiple sites. They took a calculated risk and are being rewarded with reduced energy bills starting with the commissioning of the first five schools, which came on line in December 2010.

Antelope Valley is ideal for a large solar system with its abundant sunshine. The sun provides the power and the

Antelope Valley Union High School District

Roof and ground-mounted system


Antelope Valley, California, USA


Roof and ground-mounted system


9.6 MW


Trina Solar TSM-PA05 230W Modules




February 2011

wind helps keep the inverters cool, which keeps it running at the high end of its rated efficiency.

In total, the systems are expected to meet 80% of the total electricity needs of the schools. PsomasFMG developed the project and sold the PPA to GCL Solar, which in turn brought in Wells Fargo Bank as the tax equity partner.

The 9.6 MW system is the largest school solar system under construction in the United States. Students at all the high schools were active on their Facebook pages and Twitter accounts talking about the solar systems being installed on their campuses. The installation also serves as an important teaching aide the students can observe outside their classroom.

PsomasFMG and GCL established a Raleigh Wright Solar Scholarship Fund for top AVUHSD students, funding $80,000 in scholarships over the next four years.

Founded in 1997, Trina Solar is one of the leading PV companies based in China. Fully vertically integrated from ingots to modules in both mono and multicrystalline technologies, Trina Solar offers high quality modules. Listed on the NYSE, it operates worldwide to deliver the best value to its customers.

Trina Solar TSM-PA05 Multicrystalline Module

This is currently Trina Solar's most popular module. Versatile and adaptable, with power output ranging from 220 to 240Wp, the TSM-PA05 panel is perfect for large-scale installations, particularly ground-mounted and commercial rooftop systems. Using reliable and carefully selected components that are tested at the Trina Solar Center of Excellence, this panel comes with a 25-year performance guarantee of 80% power production.

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