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天合光能与Trinity Solar美国新泽西Eaton镇Meridian Center光伏电站

放大字体 缩小字体 发布日期:2012-02-15 15:24:02 浏览次数:100
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项目装机规模容量 0.728MWp 项目阶段 并网发电
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Meridian Center Business Park

Eatontown, New Jersey

Large roof-mounted installation using Trina Solar’s TSM-PC05 Multicrystalline Modules

• 728kW
• 3,119 modules
• 1,314,300 lbs/year CO2 saving

728kW 1,314,300 lbs/year 3,119 System GHG emissions Panels used

Large Roof-mounted installation


"I made my selection based on the financing and capitalization of the company. I did of lot of research, and I felt more comfortable with Trina Solar. The ultimate decision was made because of the soundness of their financial structure. And, we’re getting 10 percent more production from the system than we originally expected.”
- Gary Rafaloff, Managing Partner, Anova Energy Solutions

This unique project, comprised of 25 separate "mini- systems", has been installed on four adjacent buildings in the Meridian Center Business Park in Eatontown, New Jersey. It is currently the largest solar system in Monmouth County. The project saves the equivalent of 1,386 barrels of oil annually. Over thirty people were employed during the time of the installation.

With the success of the project, the owners of the Meridian Center Business Park have since spun off their own energy consulting firm, Anova Energy Solutions. Anova already has a solar project development pipeline for projects of up to 2.4MW in capacity, having developed more than 1.1MW in New Jersey last year. The consultancy closed its first MSP renewable energy private equity fund in 2010 and has recently opened a larger fund, MSP II. Anova anticipates that 2011 will provide property owners with good opportunities to maximize returns for their solar PV investment.

728 kW

Roof-mounted installation


Eatontown, New Jersey

System Owner

Meridian Solar Partners

System Installer and EPC

Trinity Solar


Roof-mounted 728kW


TSM-235PC05 3,119


October 2010

The project began in 2009 because of energy consumption that year. The rates were so high that the building complex tried to become more efficient. They changed the lighting and HVAC systems, and are now one of the more energy efficiency business parks in the state. Initially, they believed that a solar system would be too expensive. But upon analysis, the principals realized that the energy cost-savings, along with federal and state incentives, made the system installation a great investment. Since then, the business park has spun off a PPA company that is involved in an additional 5MW of projects.

The total Emissions Savings are: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 1,314,300 lbs/year Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 5,933 lbs/year Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 1,950 lbs/year. That is equal to: Car Travel: 67,000 gallons of gasoline Planted Trees: 127 acres of pine forest preserved Barrels of Oil: 1,386 barrels of oil conserved

Cost Savings: The system is saving about $120,000/year in energy bills, accounting for nearly 50% of the complex’s energy use. (this would be the total actual savings, which is shared between the system owner and the customer).

Trina Solar TSM-PC05 Multicrystalline Module

This is currently Trina Solar's most popular module. Versatile and adaptable, with power output ranging from 220 to 240Wp, the TSM-PC05 panel is perfect for large-scale installations, particularly ground-mounted and commercial rooftop systems. Using reliable and carefully selected components that are tested at the Trina Solar Center of Excellence, this panel comes with a 25-year performance guarantee of 80% power production.


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