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Fully Automated Cell Lines
关于Fully Automated Cell Lines信息的二维码


  • 面议
  • 支持批量采购
  • 发布时间:2013-12-09 12:01

产地:海外 | 归属行业:完整生产线



联系人: spirecorporation

电话: 781-275-6000

主营: 设备和太阳能光伏组件交钥匙生产线、工程、采购和施工(EPC)的太阳能系统集成服务

联系地址:One Patriots Park Bedford, MA 01730-2396 (USA)


Spire Corporation

免费企业 诚信指数 0 


  • 店铺等级:
  • 旺铺店长: spirecorporation


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  • 供货总量:
  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
  • 所在地:海外

Industry Leading Solar Cell Efficiency
Spire’s solar cell turnkey lines provide lowest cost of ownership and produce highest efficiency solar cells. The solar cell factories retain a throughput of 2,400 wafers per hour which reduces the overall operating cost of a factory. The operating cost of the factory is lowered significantly by:
  • Fully-automating each cell factory
  • Decreasing utility consumption rate utilizing equipment with lower utility consumption rates
  • Reducing wafer handling through automation which enhances overall production yield
  • Optimizing equipment utilization through automation
  • Placing cell inspection at each automated loader/unloader
Benefits To Partnering With Spire
There are many benefits to partnering with Spire for a solar cell factory including
  • Top of the line equipment selection with a proven track record
  • Unprecedented solar cell and factory expertise
  • Single point of contact
  • Integrated process control and quality controls
    • Automated robotic inspection at each loader
    • Off-line sampling inspections at random
  • No manual handling of wafers or cells reducing breakage
  • 98% mechanical and electrical yield
  • Yield enhancement tools with advanced technology options available
Solar Cell Line Options
There are many options available to further enhance a solar cell line and increase the overall throughput.
  • Multi-crystalline or mono-crystalline solar cell production
  • Production capacity up to 300MW based on customer needs
  • Selective Emitter Formation
  • High precision screen printing including double printing
  • Ink Jet printing
  • Silver on silver (Ag) Light Induced Plating (LIP)
  • Copper stack (Cu, Ni) plating
  • Metallization Wrap Through (MWT)
  • Emitter Wrap Through (EWT)

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